Protect Beautiful Queensland > News > News & Updates > Pew welcomes government review of Queensland forests, calls for more protection.
26 Jun 2024

Pew welcomes government review of Queensland forests, calls for more protection.

BRISBANE – The Pew Charitable Trusts welcomed the Queensland government’s announcement today that they will undertake a comprehensive statewide assessment of biodiversity values across the state’s unique forests, woodlands, and savannahs over the next 12 months. 

The statewide review will examine the current and potential uses of forested land across Queensland – including over 3 million hectares of state forest – for its conservation, recreation, tourism, cultural, carbon sequestration and timber values. 

Lannercost State Forest. Image: Kerry Trapnell

Andrew Picone, Queensland Manager for the Pew Charitable Trusts provided the following comments:

“At 3.1 million hectares, Queensland’s network of state forests is bigger than Belgium. It includes approximately 2.8 million hectares of native forest and about 300,000 hectares of plantation. They provide habitat for hundreds of threatened species, are the scene of countless adventures with friends and family, whilst also continuing to supply plantation timber for housing.”  

“Native state forests represent one of most cost-efficient opportunities to increase Queensland’s national and conservation parks in line with state and federal targets, including protecting 17% of Queensland by 2030.   

“While this statewide assessment of biodiversity values is welcome, conservation ambition needs to be higher. We expect this process to significantly increase protected areas in Queensland in line with the government’s Protected Area Strategy 2020-2030.  

“We’re hopeful this comprehensive assessment is the first step in a plan that delivers environmental, social and economic benefits from protecting Queensland’s unique nature, which is at the heart of our outdoor lifestyle.” 

“The Queensland government have already committed to ending logging in the South East Queensland planning area by the end of 2024 – which includes 60,000 hectares that should be placed under protection. Any further areas destined for protection that are identified through today’s announcement must be additional.” 

“We look forward to a collaborative and transparent process that centres First Nations interests and includes the conservation, recreation, land management, agriculture, union and forestry sectors.”   
