Protect Beautiful Queensland > Campaign > Cape York > Queensland’s leading conservation organisations call for increased funding to Cape York Tenure Resolution Program
24 Feb 2021

Queensland’s leading conservation organisations call for increased funding to Cape York Tenure Resolution Program

Queensland’s top environmental organisations have joined forces to echo the call on the Palaszczuk Government to increase funding for protected areas in the June 2021 Budget, including $10 million a year over the next four years for the Cape York Tenure Resolution Program.

The Pew Charitable Trusts, WWF Australia, Australian Conservation Foundation, The Wilderness Society, Protect the Bush Alliance and National Parks Association Queensland today sent a joint letter to the Queensland Environment Minister, Meaghan Scanlon to voice their support for increasing the funding to the program.

“To date, the CYTRP has been a very successful co-stewardship project, both in securing over two million hectares of jointly managed national parks and nature refuges and in delivering land justice and economic opportunities for Aboriginal communities on Cape York,” said Hannah Schuch.

“There is huge potential for the program to be extended to permanently protect some of Queensland’s significant natural and cultural landscapes through supporting Aboriginal-led conservation.”

“However, funding for the program is currently insufficient for the program to reach its potential.”

“This is a great opportunity to deliver on the Queensland Government Government’s promise of a “world class” protected areas network.”

“By extending funding for the Cape York Tenure Resolution Program, the Palaszczuk Government could deliver new well-managed protected areas in under-represented ecosystems, deliver land justice for First Nations peoples and achieve significant environmental, social, cultural and economic outcomes for Queensland.”

The alliance of conservation organisations are calling on the Queensland Labor Government to invest an additional $10 million in the June 2022 State Budget over the forward estimates, and the extension of operation funding of the program beyond its current deadline of June 2022 until June 2026.  

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